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Bolster Support in Yoga Backbends


There are so many ways to support the body with a bolster in the practice of yoga.

One or two or even sometimes a setup with eight yoga bolsters have supported my practice throughout my life.

Bolster support in backbends is incredibly beneficial because it helps quieten the adrenals, rather than the adrenals being stimulated as in the practice of unsupported yoga backbends. This can reduce stress and anxiety. I have featured just three variations of classic yoga backbends below.

This first setup (pictured below) in Supta Baddha Konasana is often how i start teaching my yoga classes. There is a transition when we first get onto our mats to be ready to begin the practice. Lying along a bolster in this way supports the back and opens the chest so there can be total release of the body. It helps open the chest to allow the breath to more freely fill the lungs which in turn helps quieten the mind. More often than not i see so many people come to yoga without the awareness of their bodies, so starting a class in a soft way helps them relax into their body so they can feel embodied. Then they can become more aware of the feelings in their body that arise in the practice of asanas so they can take care when needed to work through tight or weak areas.

The variation below in Viparita Dandasana allows the active practice of this yoga backbend while also supporting where the back muscles are tight. The soft supports helps the back muscles release and broaden so the tightness that may exist in the back is opened. Another bolster can be placed for the feet if any backpain persists. I can stiull actively work my legs but at the same time be fully supported in the spine.

Chair Viparita Dandasana creates the same feeling of vibrancy in a backbend while also supporting where the back muscles are tight.
Chair Viparita Dandasana creates the same feeling of vibrancy in a backbend while also supporting where the back muscles are tight.

The cross-bolster variation of Setubandha below supports the chest opening to help promote blood circulation to the heart, to open the lungs so the breath can be maximised and can also help relieve menstruation cramps.

Cross Bolster Setubandhasana is so beneficial!
Cross Bolster Setubandhasana is so beneficial!

As with any practice of backbends, supported or not, it's important to add in a counterpose to release the back.

Here's a soft variation of Adho Mukha Virasana to release the back. The cross-bolster setup supports the abdomen and whole front body so the awareness can be felt in the length of the anterior spine from the pubic bone all the way to the throat.

Cross Bolster Adho Mukha Virasana supports the length of the whole front body to bring awareness to broadening and opening the back body.
Cross Bolster Adho Mukha Virasana supports the length of the whole front body to bring awareness to broadening and opening the back body.

Happy practicing!

Check out more yoga bolster poses here.

With love and gratitude,

Nik x



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